Shanked By A Dick

H.M. Loving
3 min readAug 25, 2021


There were two levers.
You made your decision,
And pulled it.

Thought yourself so clever,
To offer then retract provisions,
Playing the hero and victim; you were so full of shit.

There were two lovers
You cheated on one with the other,
Then throw temper tantrums claiming my clear vision is superstition.
But it isn’t ethical polyamory if your partner says, “No,”
Then you proceed to off and go,
Do exactly the opposite of what was promised,
Assuming I would read your mind, blame myself, and try to change myself,
If we’re being honest.
Maybe you were just too cowardly,
To break up with me directly,
Like when you cut off my phone line without telling me;
Do you understand how literally dangerous that can be?
But don’t worry,
I’m just one more name on your long list of traitors who don’t understand;
That clear boundaries, communication, and managing expectations,
Is simply not on your brand.
No, you prefer whichever dynamic gives you the upper hand;
Whatever gives you leverage to throw a fit
And make demands.
I once felt “Twitter-pated,”
Now I see I was manipulated.
Whether your dishonesty started with yourself or me,
Doesn’t change the reality;
This is the outcome your decisions instigated.

There were two levers,
Two lovers,
You schemed, strategized, and mulled it.
You may have shot me down,
But I am the one who dodged a bullet.



H.M. Loving

Creative Entrepreneur. Writer of poetry, dark fiction, & my neurodivergent perspectives.